R&D Center

R&D studies that have been going on since 2011 are carried out by T.C. It was registered as an R&D Center by the Ministry of Industry and Technology in December 2018, and thus, R&D activities began to be carried out under the umbrella of the R&D Center.

Software development, blockchain technology, financial analysis, optimization and planning problems, forecasting, process development, software based on mathematical models, information security, etc. R&D projects are carried out simultaneously in the fields. With its R&D studies, it plans to continue to grow with new investments both in Turkey and abroad, and accordingly, the need for qualified human resources focused on R&D is constantly increasing.

NetBT, which makes serious investment plans for R&D, innovation and education for 2020 and beyond, is advancing with the goal of becoming one of the few Fintech R&D Centers in Turkey by making software and hardware investments that will only be used in R&D-oriented financial software development processes. It is aimed to analyze the requirements and problems in existing software and new systems to be developed, and to produce scientific-based permanent solutions for them, by taking part in the R&D Center of the company, by researchers, graduate students and expert R&D personnel of the company.